如何对两个大型SQL Server数据库中的数据进行快速估计比较,以查看它们是否相等
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Bringing impactful analysis into a data always comes with challenges. In many cases, we rely on automated tools and techniques to overcome many of these challenges.

将有影响力的分析纳入数据始终会带来挑战。 在许多情况下,我们依靠自动化工具和技术来克服许多挑战。

In this article, we’ll describe a simple task to validate the table (row count only) between the databases on different SQL instances. For our use case, let us consider a scenario involving transactional replication, as a good practice; it is required to perform data validation test between Publisher and Subscriber databases to validate the integrity of our replication process. It is quite evident that a simple validation process helps to identify the state of the subscriber. If there is a difference in the data, it’s pretty much advised to re-initialize the subscription with the latest snapshot.

在本文中,我们将描述一个简单的任务来验证不同SQL实例上的数据库之间的表(仅行计数)。 对于我们的用例,让我们考虑一个涉及事务复制的场景,这是一个好习惯。 需要在发布服务器和订阅服务器之间执行数据验证测试,以验证复制过程的完整性。 很明显,简单的验证过程有助于识别订户的状态。 如果数据存在差异,建议您使用最新快照重新初始化订阅。

介绍 (Introduction)

There are several reasons why we might need to consider table comparison. In a robust replication system, one has to audit the integrity of the data. The audit process ensures that the data produced from various automation tools or batch jobs are correct. Also, when you pass the values on the subscription database, it should return the near-production values.

我们可能需要考虑表比较的原因有几个。 在一个强大的复制系统中,必须审核数据的完整性。 审核过程可确保从各种自动化工具或批处理作业生成的数据是正确的。 同样,当您在订阅数据库上传递值时,它应该返回接近生产的值。

SQL Server Transactional replication has an option to validate the data at the Subscriber with data at the Publisher. Validation can be performed for specific subscriptions or for all subscriptions to a publication. We can specify the ‘Row count only’ option as the validation type and the Distribution Agent will validate data when it runs for the next time. But if we create our own replication scenario, independent of SQL Server replication, we will want to duplicate this feature to ensure our databases are in sync

SQL Server事务复制具有一个选项,可以用发布服务器上的数据验证订阅服务器上的数据。 可以对特定订阅或出版物的所有订阅执行验证。 我们可以将“仅行数”选项指定为验证类型,并且分发代理将在下次运行数据时对其进行验证。 但是,如果创建独立于SQL Server复制的自己的复制方案,我们将希望复制此功能以确保数据库同步

In this article, we will simulate the “Row count only” process of Microsoft’s SQL Server database replication solution. In this validation process, the tables are compared for a number of rows between Publisher and Subscriber but it does not validate the content of the data. It is considered as a lightweight approach to validate the number of rows between publisher and subscriber.

在本文中,我们将模拟MicrosoftSQL Server数据库复制解决方案的“仅行计数”过程。 在此验证过程中,将比较表中发布者和订阅者之间的许多行,但不会验证数据的内容。 它被认为是验证发布者和订阅者之间行数的一种轻量级方法。

目的 (Objective)


实施概述 (Overview of the implementation)

自动化 (Automation)

The steps to setup automation are as follows:


  1. Enable “Ad Hoc Distributed Queries” advanced configuration option

    启用“ 临时分布式查询”高级配置选项

    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1RECONFIGUREGOEXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1RECONFIGUREGO
  2. Use OPENROWSET to query a remote SQL instance. To use the OPENROWSET ad hoc method, provide all the data source information in the connection string. For example, to run a remote query on XYZ server

    使用OPENROWSET查询远程SQL实例。 要使用OPENROWSET ad hoc方法,请在连接字符串中提供所有数据源信息。 例如,在XYZ服务器上运行远程查询

    1. Use SQLNCLI provider

    2. Pass the <ServerName> as an input value to Server parameter

    3. Set the connection type. In this case, it’s trusted. So, its set to ‘yes’

      设置连接类型。 在这种情况下,它是受信任的。 因此,将其设置为“是”
    4. Pass T-SQL string

    SELECT q.*  	FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=hqdbt01\SQL2017;Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'select * from [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[Invoices]') as q;

  3. Getting the row count of tables in the source database


    There are several different ways get the row-count of the table in a database, but probably the fastest technique to get row count is by using system view sys.partitions.


    Using the following SQL, the row count of the table is listed.


    SELECT 	Max(@@SERVERNAME) ServerName,	Max(DB_NAME(DB_ID())) DatabaseName,    sch.name AS SchemaName,    st.Name AS TableName,    SUM(          CASE              WHEN (p.index_id < 2) AND (a.type = 1) THEN p.rows              ELSE 0          END         ) AS Rows     FROM sys.partitions p     INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id     INNER JOIN sys.tables st ON st.object_id = p.object_id     INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = st.schema_id     GROUP BY st.name, sch.name

  4. Getting the row count of tables in the remote database


    In order to do this, the OpenRowSet method is used. You can refer step2 for more information.

    为此,使用了OpenRowSet方法。 您可以参考step2以获得更多信息。

    SELECT a.*  	FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=hqdbt01\SQL2017;Trusted_Connection=yes;',         'SELECT 	Max(@@SERVERNAME) ServerName,	Max(DB_NAME(DB_ID(''WideWorldImporters''))) DatabaseName,    sch.name AS SchemaName,    st.Name AS TableName,    SUM(          CASE              WHEN (p.index_id < 2) AND (a.type = 1) THEN p.rows              ELSE 0          END         ) AS Rows     FROM WideWorldImporters.sys.partitions p     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.tables st ON st.object_id = p.Object_ID     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = st.schema_id     GROUP BY st.name, sch.name') AS a;
  5. Compare the number of rows between source and Target


    The step 3 sets up first part of the data set and step 4 defines the second data set. Both the result sets are captured in a table variable named @sourcedatabase and @targetDatabase.

    步骤3设置数据集的第一部分,而步骤4定义第二数据集。 这两个结果集都捕获在名为@sourcedatabase和@targetDatabase的表变量中。

    DECLARE @SourceDatabase table(Instance sysname,DB varchar(100),SchemaName VARCHAR(100),TableName VARCHAR(100),Rows INT) INSERT INTO @SourceDatabaseSELECT 	Max(@@SERVERNAME) ServerName,	Max(DB_NAME(DB_ID())) DatabaseName,    sch.name AS SchemaName,    st.Name AS TableName,    SUM(          CASE              WHEN (p.index_id < 2) AND (a.type = 1) THEN p.rows              ELSE 0          END         ) AS Rows     FROM sys.partitions p     INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id     INNER JOIN sys.tables st ON st.object_id = p.object_id     INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = st.schema_id     GROUP BY st.name, sch.name DECLARE @TargetDatabase table(Instance sysname,DB varchar(100),SchemaName VARCHAR(100),TableName VARCHAR(100),Rows INT) INSERT INTO @TargetDatabaseSELECT a.*  	FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=hqdbt01\SQL2017;Trusted_Connection=yes;',         'SELECT 	Max(@@SERVERNAME) ServerName,	Max(DB_NAME(DB_ID(''WideWorldImporters''))) DatabaseName,    sch.name AS SchemaName,    st.Name AS TableName,    SUM(          CASE              WHEN (p.index_id < 2) AND (a.type = 1) THEN p.rows              ELSE 0          END         ) AS Rows     FROM WideWorldImporters.sys.partitions p     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.tables st ON st.object_id = p.Object_ID     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = st.schema_id     GROUP BY st.name, sch.name') AS a;
  6. Join the two table variable using schema and tablename columns


    select	s.Instance SourceInstance,	t.Instance TargetInstance,	s.DB SourceDatabase,	t.DB TargetDatabase, 	s.SchemaName SourceSchemaName,	t.SchemaName TargetSchemaName,	s.TableName SourceTableName,	t.TableName TargetTableName,	s.rows as SourceRowCount,	t.rows as DestRowCount,	case when s.rows>t.rows then s.Rows-t.Rows else t.Rows-s.Rows end 'Missing Rows',	case when s.rows>t.rows then '<=' 	when s.Rows=t.Rows then '='	else '=>' end 'Comparison' from	@SourceDatabase s, @TargetDatabase twhere	s.SchemaName=t.SchemaName and	s.TableName = t.TableName-- and 	--s.rows!=t.rows

    You can see the difference in number of rows in the following output


  7. Prepare email alert


    In this section, Let us make the necessary arrangement to wrap the values in the table data <TD> tag. This is the format needed to build HTML table tags. In this case, td is used as the column alias for all columns and specified by the ‘tr’ as the root element for each row. Then the concatenated output is sent as an HTML body using option.

    在本节中,让我们进行必要的安排以将值包装在表数据<TD>标记中。 这是构建HTML表标签所需的格式。 在这种情况下,td用作所有列的列别名,并由'tr'指定为每一行的根元素。 然后,使用选项将并置的输出作为HTML正文发送。

    IF((Select count(*) from 	@SourceDatabase s, @TargetDatabase twhere	s.SchemaName=t.SchemaName and	s.TableName = t.TableName	 and 	s.rows!=t.rows)>0)begin DECLARE @tableHTML  NVARCHAR(MAX) ;  SET @tableHTML =   N'

    Row Comparison Report

    ' +   N'
    ' +   N'
    ' +   CAST ( (     select td=s.Instance ,' ', td=t.Instance ,' ', td=s.DB,' ', td=t.DB, ' ', td=s.SchemaName,' ', td=t.SchemaName,' ', td=s.TableName,' ', td=t.TableName, ' ', td=cast(s.rows as varchar(10)),' ', td=cast(t.rows as varchar(10)), ' ', td=case when s.rows>t.rows then cast((s.Rows-t.Rows)  as varchar(10))else cast((t.Rows-s.Rows) as varchar(10)) end ,' ', td=case when s.rows>t.rows then '<=' when s.Rows=t.Rows then '=' else '=>' end, ' 'from @SourceDatabase s, @TargetDatabase twhere s.SchemaName=t.SchemaName and s.TableName = t.TableName and s.rows!=t.rows      FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +   N'
    [Source Instance] [Target Instance] [Source DB] [Target DB] [Source Schema] [Target Schema] [Source Table] [Target Table] [Source RowCount] [Target RowCount] [Missing Rows] [Compariosn]
    ' ;   EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='pjayaram@SQL.com',   @subject = 'Row Comparison Report',   @profile_name='PowerSQL',  @body = @tableHTML,   @body_format = 'HTML' ;  END



结语 (Wrap Up)

So far, we’ve seen the steps to simulate “Row count only” option. In reality, there is no ideal method can be used to compare the results. If you’re working one of the very few tables, then tablediff is also an option. Also, you could rely on 3rd party tools such as data compare option to validate a number of rows between the databases. I would leave this option open. What are your favorite methods? Please leave the feedback input in comments…

到目前为止,我们已经看到了模拟“仅行数”选项的步骤。 实际上,没有理想的方法可以用来比较结果。 如果您要处理的表很少,那么tablediff也是一种选择。 此外,你可以依靠第三方工具如数据比较选项以验证数字数据库之间的行。 我会将此选项保持打开状态。 您最喜欢的方法是什么? 请在评论中留下反馈意见…

That’s all for now…


附录 (Appendix)

Another solution we can use is  utility. For example, if you want to compare two tables (ExportALLCities) from two databases on two different servers, you run the following command

我们可以使用的另一个解决方案是实用程序。 例如,如果要比较两个不同服务器上的两个数据库中的两个表(ExportALLCities),请运行以下命令

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\COM>tablediff -sourceserver hqdbt01 -sourcedatabase WideWorldImporters -sourcetable ExportALLCities -destinationserver HQDBT01\SQL2017 -destinationdatabase WideWorldImporters -destinationtable ExportALLCities

C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ 140 \ COM> tablediff -sourceserver hqdbt01 -sourcedatabase WideWorldImporters -sourcetable ExportALLCities -destinationserver HQDBT01 \ SQL2017 -destinationdatabase WideWorldImporters -destinationtable ExportALLCities

T-SQL Script


EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1RECONFIGUREGOEXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1RECONFIGUREGO DECLARE @SourceDatabase table(Instance sysname,DB varchar(100),SchemaName VARCHAR(100),TableName VARCHAR(100),Rows INT) INSERT INTO @SourceDatabaseSELECT 	Max(@@SERVERNAME) ServerName,	Max(DB_NAME(DB_ID())) DatabaseName,    sch.name AS SchemaName,    st.Name AS TableName,    SUM(          CASE              WHEN (p.index_id < 2) AND (a.type = 1) THEN p.rows              ELSE 0          END         ) AS Rows     FROM sys.partitions p     INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id     INNER JOIN sys.tables st ON st.object_id = p.object_id     INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = st.schema_id     GROUP BY st.name, sch.name DECLARE @TargetDatabase table(Instance sysname,DB varchar(100),SchemaName VARCHAR(100),TableName VARCHAR(100),Rows INT) INSERT INTO @TargetDatabaseSELECT a.*  	FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=hqdbt01\SQL2017;Trusted_Connection=yes;',         'SELECT 	Max(@@SERVERNAME) ServerName,	Max(DB_NAME(DB_ID(''WideWorldImporters''))) DatabaseName,    sch.name AS SchemaName,    st.Name AS TableName,    SUM(          CASE              WHEN (p.index_id < 2) AND (a.type = 1) THEN p.rows              ELSE 0          END         ) AS Rows     FROM WideWorldImporters.sys.partitions p     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.tables st ON st.object_id = p.Object_ID     INNER JOIN WideWorldImporters.sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = st.schema_id     GROUP BY st.name, sch.name') AS a; select	s.Instance SourceInstance,	t.Instance TargetInstance,	s.DB SourceDatabase,	t.DB TargetDatabase, 	s.SchemaName SourceSchemaName,	t.SchemaName TargetSchemaName,	s.TableName SourceTableName,	t.TableName TargetTableName,	s.rows as SourceRowCount,	t.rows as DestRowCount,	case when s.rows>t.rows then s.Rows-t.Rows else t.Rows-s.Rows end 'Missing Rows',	case when s.rows>t.rows then '<=' 	when s.Rows=t.Rows then '='	else '=>' end 'Comparison' from	@SourceDatabase s, @TargetDatabase twhere	s.SchemaName=t.SchemaName and	s.TableName = t.TableName	 and 	s.rows!=t.rowsIF((Select count(*) from 	@SourceDatabase s, @TargetDatabase twhere	s.SchemaName=t.SchemaName and	s.TableName = t.TableName	 and 	s.rows!=t.rows)>0)begin DECLARE @tableHTML  NVARCHAR(MAX) ;  SET @tableHTML =   N'

Row Comparison Report

' +   N'
' +   N'
' +   CAST ( (     select td=s.Instance ,' ', td=t.Instance ,' ', td=s.DB,' ', td=t.DB, ' ', td=s.SchemaName,' ', td=t.SchemaName,' ', td=s.TableName,' ', td=t.TableName, ' ', td=cast(s.rows as varchar(10)),' ', td=cast(t.rows as varchar(10)), ' ', td=case when s.rows>t.rows then cast((s.Rows-t.Rows)  as varchar(10))else cast((t.Rows-s.Rows) as varchar(10)) end ,' ', td=case when s.rows>t.rows then '<=' when s.Rows=t.Rows then '=' else '=>' end, ' 'from @SourceDatabase s, @TargetDatabase twhere s.SchemaName=t.SchemaName and s.TableName = t.TableName and s.rows!=t.rows      FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +   N'
[Source Instance] [Target Instance] [Source DB] [Target DB] [Source Schema] [Target Schema] [Source Table] [Target Table] [Source RowCount] [Target RowCount] [Missing Rows] [Compariosn]
' ;   EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='pjayaram@SQL.com',   @subject = 'Row Comparison Report',   @profile_name='PowerSQL',  @body = @tableHTML,   @body_format = 'HTML' ;  END

目录 (Table of contents)

How to do a quick estimated compare of data in two large SQL Server databases to see if they are equal
SQL Server transactional replication: How to reinitialize a subscription using a “Replication support only” –TBA
SQL Server Replication Monitoring and setting alerts using PowerShell –TBA
如何对两个大型SQL Server数据库中的数据进行快速估计比较,以查看它们是否相等
SQL Server事务复制:如何使用“仅复制支持” –TBA重新初始化订阅
使用PowerShell –TBASQL Server复制监视和设置警报



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